Philanthropy Makes a Difference

seven women standing in a row outside of the PBMC emergency department expansion

Our Foundation staff, from left to right: Amanda Wood, manager of operations and annual giving; Amy McNaughton, senior director of philanthropic initiatives; Susan Martins, gift processor; Sherry Gagne, director of prospect management and research; Eleanor Willmann, vice president of development; Deb Schilder, director of grants and foundation relations; and Melinda Ferrazza, philanthropy officer.

All of us at Coastal Healthcare Alliance are deeply grateful for the generous support of our donors, which has been especially encouraging during one of the most challenging times in our history. In the past year, philanthropic contributions have helped us achieve a number of important projects.

This year also marked the successful conclusion of the Campaign for Coastal Health, which funded construction of the Charlotte and Christopher Beebe Health Center and is supporting the expansion and renovation of the Pen Bay Medical Center emergency department.

Ann Bresnahan and Dr. Mark Eggena led the fundraising effort for the Campaign for Coastal Health with an unwavering commitment to the importance of these projects. They were joined by many volunteers and hundreds of donors, who made gifts of personal significance, helping us to raise $21.5 million.

As Ann said, “completion of this campaign will dramatically impact health care delivery throughout the mid coast.  We are so grateful for the outpouring of support from the community.”

As we grow with our community we are sustained by the donors who give to our annual campaign and boosted by donors who made stretch gifts to the Campaign for Coastal Health. Thank you!

Following is a list of donors who contributed to the Campaign for Coastal Health throughout the course of the campaign, or who made a gift to the Annual Campaign between October 1, 2021 and September 30, 2022.*

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Donald and Penny Abbott
Maud Abess, PA-C and Alexander T. Abess, MD
Leonard and Madlyn Abramson
A. Jeanette Achorn
Carol Achterhof
Fred and Catherine Adair
Dellbert and Gina Adams
Ball Aerospace
Affinia Financial Group
Kathie Aiguier
Charles and Deanna Akre
Lynn T. Alberi
Liz and David Albertson
Lee Albright
Alice Alden
Kathleen Murray-Allain
Kay Allan
John Allbee and Joann Peace
Debra L. Allen
Susan Allen
Allen Insurance and Financial
Ethelene C. Ames
Denise Anderson, DO and Ron Staschak
Holly J. Anderson
Richard Anderson and Janet Frost
William and Cynthia Anderson
Mr. David B. Andrews and Ms. Delina R. Hickey
Leon and Margene Annis
Anonymous (68)
Aroostook Retired Educators Association
Catherine Athay
Margaret R. Atwood
Michael and Mary Ayers
Back Cove Yachts
Connie Bailey
Fernald H. Bailey
Kendall E. Bailey
Florence Baker
Maureen Baker
Shereen N. Bang
Bangor Savings Bank Foundation
Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc
Gino Barra
Lucas Barra
Mary Anne Barranti
Paul F. Barresi, MD
Louisa C. Barrett
Robert Barro and Rachel McCleary
Charles and Lori Barter
Sheryl Bartlett
Becky L. Bartovics
Katie and Chip Bauer
Diana L. Beach
Diana Bean
Linda Bean
Frank and A. Rosemary Beane
Roderick J. Beck
Christopher and Charlotte Beebe
Judy and David Beebe, MD
Elizabeth Belair
City of Belfast
James and Patti Bellis
Jean Benjamin
Jodie T. and Benjamin G. Benner, MD
Bruce A. Bennett
Kirk Bernadino, MD and Marianne Bernadino, MD
Gail and John Bertuzzi
Ann M. Bex
Sonila Bicaj
Joanne and Glenn Billington
James Bilodeau
Charles Bingham
John and Mary Alice Bird
Elaine L. Bisbee
Barbara and Mark Biscone
Bixby & Co.
Harris and Ann Bixler
Wendy Blake
Martha and Sidney Block
Bernard Blum
Theodore and Regina Bobroske
Sheila Bodine
Gordon Bok and Carol Rohl
Mary Bok
Elizabeth Boogusch, MD
Dan Bookham and Jessie Davis
Medomak Valley All Sports Boosters
Jordan Boover
Dirck and Lee Born
Mary P. Born
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bosica, Jr
Philip and Joan Bowen
Tara Boynton
Patricia and Robert Brace
Janice Bradeen
Jay and Robbie Bradford
Laura and Roger Brainerd
Terry Bramhall
Carole J. Brand
The Bresnahan Family
Mark and Cynthia Bresnahan
Gwendolyn Hudson and Mark Breton
Galen and Hathaway Brewster
C. Brian Trask
Leila Bright
Charles and Kristin Brown
Eddie and Sylvia Brown
John J. Brown
Tyrone Brown
Doug and Dale Bruce
Doris Buffett
James Bump
Gregory Burkus
Susan Burnell
Margaret E. Burnham Charitable Trust
Joanne and Stephen Burns
Richard and Barbara Burns
Bob and Pat Burt
William and Barbara Buss
The Estate of Bruce M. Buyers
Sharyn S. Buyers
Marjorie and John Buyers Foundation
Beatrice W. Byrd
Dorothy and Walter Cabot
Ed and Mary Cady
Laina Caesar and Richard Caesar, MD
Katherine and Bartley Calder
Ruth and Joseph Calderwood
Camden National Bank
Larry Campbell
Cancer Support Center of Maine
Robert J. Card
Fred and Mary Alice Carey
Mary Ann Carey
Mary N. Carlson
Bill and Sue Caron
Frank Carozza
LTC Peter Carter (Ret)
Frank and Lynda Cassidy
John and Therese Castellani
Lisa Cebula
Cedar Works, Inc
Lynne Chaffee
Hilary Chaloux
Beth and Parker Chamberlin, MD
Richard Chandler, MD
William Chapman and Helen Shaw
United Midcoast Charities
R. Chase Lasbury
Donald and Patricia Christakos
O’Ann and Pat Christiansen
Owls Head Baptist Church
James Cilley
Norma H. Clark
D. Kent, MD and Catie Clark
Vickery E. G. Cleaves
Sandra Clement
Holly Cluff
Gayle and Michael Cmar
Janet Okada-Coakley
Bruce and Cathy Cole
Dianne and David Cole, Jr
Lynn and Aaron Cole
Nancy R. Cole and Judith Staples
Douglas R. Coleman
Dianne and Charles Collins
The Estate of Dorothy S. Collins
Robert and Andrea Collins
Samuel and Lise Collins
Charles C. Collison, Jr
Rebecca Collison
Micki and Jeff Colquhoun
Kerry Colson
Reynolds and Reynolds Company
Cornelia Cogswell Rossi Foundation, Inc
Elizabeth Connelly, DO and Michael Connelly, PhD
Leslie A. Conover
Jane Conrad
Charlotte C. Cook
Helen Watson Cook and Everett Cook
Frank and Bobbi Coombs
Angus Cooper, II
Teresa Coose
Denis and Jill Corkum
Keith and Susan Corneau
Cross Financial Corporation
Cottage Connection of Maine, Inc
Davilynn and John Cowperthwaite, Jr
Don and Judith Cox
Susan Crane
Bruce Craven
Christopher and Janet Crosman
Chasidy Cunningham
Douglas P. Currier
Aaron Curtis
Sareena Curtis
Dan and Carol Daigneault
Elizabeth and Steven Dailey
Lise Dalton
Margaret A. Danylowitz
John and Deborah Darling
Kevin and Jane Davey
Eric and Bonnie Davis
Jeff Davis
Matthew Davis
Paul and Elaine Davis
Davis Family Foundation
Dianna L. Day
Megan R. Day
Sylvia A. de Leon
Thomas and Zehra Deford
Roger and Mary Madeleine Detels
Will Deupree
Joanne and Steven Diamond
Ann Dickey
Clarence and Anne Dillon Dunwalke Trust
The DiPietro Family
Kristin Dobbins
Dency R. Dokoozian
Jo Dondis and Peter Imber
Kelly Doyle
Jenny Dreher
Connie Drinkwater
Linda and Daniel Drinkwater
Yvonne Drown
Diane Dubois
Gregory and Doreen Dufour
Dawn M. Dumond
Linda Pickering Dunson
Denyse Ebersole
Patricia and Robert Eddy, Jr
Kacie Edmunds
Mark P. Eggena, MD, PhD and Cheryl A. Liechty, MD
John and Karen Elliott
Rita G. Elliott
Ingrid and Lars Ellison, MD
Holly A. and Timothy Emerson
Kendra Emery, DO and Nick Citriglia
Alison Engel
John Enk Charitable Trust
Eremita & Valley
Carlyn M. Ernest
Elsa Estabrook
Lisa and David Ettinger, MD
Mary Louise Eugley
Adele and Barry Farber, Esq
Mr. Joseph L. Faber, Esq and Ms. Sumy Daeufer
Juliet E. Faber
William A. Fabricius, MD
Robert and Jane Fairbanks
Lynette B. Faller
Beatrice and John Fargnoli, Jr
Mark and Katharine Farrell
Thomas R. Fear and Anne Harmon-Fear
John Fell
Paul and Victoria Ferber
Jacqueline M. Ferrara
Pasqualina and Michael A. Ferrara, Jr
Angeline S. Ferris
Cindylou Feyler
First National Bank
Fisher Charitable Foundation
Fisher Engineering
David C. Flanagan
Maureen Flanagan
Moray and Barbara Fleming
Sue Fleming
Barbara Flint
Margaret Flippo
Bruce S. Foerster
David Bolling and Maureen Foley-Bolling
Zachary Folk
Jacob Fongemie
Morgan Forster
Kimberly Foster
Sherman Family Foundation
Ann and Mark Fourré, MD
Robert and Jasmine Fowler
Karen Foxwell
Maureen Foye
John and Jo-Ann Freburger
Sonya and Erik Frederick
Debbie and Alan Friedman
June Fryer
Dawn M. Fuller
Barbara Furman
Pamela D. Gabriel
Barbara Gage and Andrew Laughland
Rosanna Gagne
Sherry Gagne
Charles and Carol Gale
Adrienne and Jason Gallant
Barbara M. Gallione
Eleanor Gambell
John and Jana Gardella
Dorsey R. Gardner
Faith and Don Garrold
William Garske
John and Caron Garstka
Rick and Syrena Gatewood
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip T. George
Jason and Jamie Geretz
Jack and Amy Germaine
Terry Gerritsen, MD and Jacob Gerritsen, MD
David and Karen Giansiracusa
Jennar Gickas
Edes Gilbert
Amy Gildea
Ken Gillett
Archibald L. and Linda L. Gillies
Tom Girard and Deb Howard
Ann Giroux
Gerald Gleich and Francesca Bang
Diana and William Glover
Marilyn L. Gluck
Ali Godfrey
Jennifer Goldberg, MD
Anthony Gomes
Cindy and Peter Goodwin
The Estate of Grethe Goodwin
Lisa Gorman
Thomas Goss
Jerry D. Gould, Sr
Ms. Phyllis G. Gould
Timothy and Joni Gould
Samuel and Karen Gowan
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph W. Graf
Ruth Grafton
Elizabeth Wright and Peter Graham
Deirdre Gramas, MD
Anthony and Sally Grassi
Ramona Graves, RN
Deborah Green
The Green Hill Foundation
Mary Gregory
Laurie Grierson and Steve McKellar
Robert C. Griffin
Phil Groman and Sarah Newell Price
Elinor Groover
Jack and Barbara Grossbaum
Elizabeth and David Grzebinski
Jennifer Guilfoyle
Robert Gulick and Sara Arnold
Eve Hadley
David and Faith Hague
Duane E. Hall
Estate of George W. Hall
Frederic C. Hamilton
Wayne Hamilton
Heymi Hamlin
Theresa Hanley
Hannaford – Belfast
Hannaford – Rockland
Lucile and Stephen Hanscom, Esq
Elizabeth Harder
Beniah C. Harding
Jane and Stephen Hardy
Catherine and Michael Harrell
Judith and Leroy Harrington
Jenifer L. Harris
Harvard Pilgrim Foundation
Frank and Erika Harvey
Ralph and Joyce Harvey
Diane and Douglas Haskell
Linda Haskell
Tracy Hastings
Clyde A. Hatchell, Jr
Eileen and Craig Hawkins, MD
Shana Hawrylchak
Arthur and Sara Hayes
Lori D. Hayes
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Roberta Heath
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heathcote
Hebert Construction
Chun Mei and Robert Hellerson
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Hengerer
Elizabeth Henry
Susan M. Henry
Jody and Michael Herbert
Shelby and Coleman Herrod
Carolyn E. Herron
Kathryn and Mark Hickson
Joe Higdon and Ellen Sudow
Caroline Higgins
Alton and Elizabeth Hilchey
Kathryn Hilton
Kathleen and Robert Hirsch
Rotchana Hirshberg, FNP
Roy and Debbi Hitchings
Georgia Hodgkins
Doris E. Hodson Trust
Bruce A. Hoekstra, MD
John Hoff and Laura Berkshire
Rona Hokanson
Robert E. and Martha T. Holland
Anna and Paul Holloway
George Holmes, DVM
John W. Holmes
Ann and Ken Hooper
Clark and Martha Hooper
Patricia Hopkins
Cathy and James Hopler
Horch Roofing, Inc
Peter Horch
Deborah Lincoln House
Mary Howell
Connie and Eugene Hubbard
Catherine M. Hull
Susan Hyde
Lisa Ingalls
David Inman
Ivy Chapter #16 OES
Gwen and Bob Jackson
Nancy Jackson
Thomas Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard P. Jahnke, Jr
Ron and Shirley Jarvella
W. Avery Jenkins
Jeanne and Bill Johnson, Jr
Kenneth and Sandra Johnson
Linnea K. Johnson
Michael and Shirley Johnson
Rendle and Pat Jones
Rachel Judecki
Thomas Judge and Susan Groce
Michelle Jura
Falecia Kaewthong
Ted and Susan Kanellakis
Lynne Kaplinsky, DO
David and Stephanie Karsten
Caila Keber
Dana Keene
Marie Keene
James Keller and Judith Daniels
Norman Keller
Wendy and Bud Kellett, MD
Jessi Kelley
Fred and Molly Kellogg
James Kerney
Casha and Jim Kerney
Donna Kessler
Celeste and Jim Kichefski
Bruce and Pamela King
Sandra King
James Kinnealey
Julie D. Kinney
Sally E. Kirkpatrick, MD
Adam Kitching
Jeanne and Paul Klainer, MD
Barbara S. Klapprodt
Kenneth R. Klemmer
Jon and Barb Klicka
Elinor Klivans
Margaret Kloby, MD
Paul Kluger, MD and Truth Hawk
Caroline Knight
Howard Knowles
John and Colleen Kotts
Dale Kuhnert
Sandra C. Kurry
Gail M. Ladd
Van Laliberte and Kate Hewlett
Janet and Arthur Lambert
William Lambie, MD
Cathy Landau-Painter and Charles Mamane
Beth Landine
Lorrie and Michael Landsberg
Eric and Simone Lang Foundation
Lorraine E. Lang
Christina and Stan Lanphier
Ali Hilt-Lash and Aaron Lash
Stephanie Lash, MD
Judith and Robert Laurence, MD
Elizabeth Lawrence, MD and Caleb Lawrence
Lancelot and Dorothy Lee
B. Lee and Susan Mallory
Constance D. Lehtinen
Roxanne M. Leighton
Joseph and Patricia Lepak
Mark and Traci Lerner
Philip and Linda Lewis
Scott Ley
Allison and Bill Libby
Donna and Dale Liberty
Todd and Amy Liberty
Libra Foundation
Katherine Lindner
Thomas Lloyd
Laurence Lombard
Ronda Long
Harrah Lord
Tiffany A. Love, PhD
Sue Low
Patricia and Robert Lowe
Pat Lundholm
Kathy Lupo
Deborah and Richard Lyon
Bill MacFee
Mackey Butts & Wise LLP
David and Mary MacMillan
Maureen J. MacMillan
David Madore
Vanda Madore
John and Betty Ann Mahoney
Thomas D. Mallory
Haley Manin
Aleta R. Mank
Lisa Manley
Joseph Manuel
Margery L. Margolis
Nancy Marks
Michael and Lisa Marshall
Martha Martens
Clara Mason
Irene and Richard Maxcy
Lori A. Maxwell
Sue Maxwell
Thomas Mayer and Jean Wilson
Colin McCabe
Scott and Heidi McCaffery
John and Mary McCallister
David McCurdy and Dorothy Havey
Emily McDermott
Sharon and Kevin McDermott
Maria and Richard McElman
Lloyd and Julie McGlincy
Frances McGraw
Deborah and Philip F. McKean, PhD
Jennifer McKenna, MD and Russell McKenna
Claire M. McLean
Peter and Amy McNaughton
Alice Gorman
Robert Merrick
Jane and Robert Merrill, MD
Maureen and William Merritt
Joseph Messler, Jr
Patricia W. Messler
Lauren Michalakes, MD and Chris Michalakes, DO
Katherine Migliorato
Bernard and Gloria Miller
Carlotta and Merlin Miller
Ed and Carol Miller
John and Lynn Miller
Valerie and Bradley Miller
Diane L. E. Green-Minor and Q. Grady-Minor
Norman Minsky
Renee Minsky
Archie E. Mitchell
Nora J. Mitchell and Emily Skoler
Richard Mitchell
Patricia Mollison
Erin Monberg
Alison Montgomery
Mary Moran, MD
Caroline and Wayne Morong
Susan and Bill Most
David Mumford
Patsy and Bill Munger
Mary Murphy
William M. Murphy
Dorsey Dee and James Murray
Jonathan Murray
Mrs. Corallie H. Murray
Anne Mynttinen
Denise Needham
Kristin A. Nelson
Pat and James Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne P. Nelson
Paul and Mary Neuhauser
Gerald and Claudette Newhall
David Newton
H. Gilman Nichols, Jr
Peter and Susan Nickerson
John Nicolet, MD
Gayle and David Noble
Jim Nolan
John Noone
William Norfleet
Northeast Delta Dental Foundation, Inc
Caeli Nortz
Pam and Donald Notman
Marcia and Clayton Nowell
Barbara P. Oberg-Higgins, MD
William R. Oberholtzer
Douglas and Judith O’Dell
Bruce F. Offhaus and Nancy E. Noyes
O’Hara Corporation
Frank and Lynette O’Hara, Jr
Bob and Robin Ohrt
Faith O’Leary
Kimberly and Gerald Opiela
Martha Orrick
Ryan C. Otis
Jean Ott
Grace and Michael Ott, Sr
Michael T. Ott, Jr
David and Rhonda Ouellette
Scott C. Overlock
Aubrey and Mary Owen
Jan and Jim Owen
Town of Palermo
Mary Val Palumbo
Kathy Paradis
Alexandra Paradise
Park Street Grille
Betty and Franklin Parker
Elizabeth Parsons
Phyllis M. Parsons
Molly Patten
Priscilla and Keith Patten
Melissa Pauley
Charles and Pamela Pearson
Hon. Alan C. Pease
Mr. Nathan Perkins and Ms. Annemarie Ahearn
Mike and Missy Perlis
Etienne and Kathani Perret
Michael M. Perret
Richard and Margaret Petersen
Michelle L. Peterson
Rev. Abigail B. Pettee and Rev. Kevin Pleas
Diane and Alfred Petterson
Brenda and Dwaine Philbrook
Karen and David Pier, DMD
James and Catherine Pierce
Gail Pinon
Rodney and Lorraine Plimpton
Rose and Alan Post
Tina and Joe Pyne
Larry and Pat Quinn
Arthur and Nancy Rackliff
Mildred Rainey
May Glaser Raucher
Catherine Rayner
RE/MAX Jaret & Cohn
Betsy and Chris Rector
William and Phyllis Reed
Katherine Reilly, DO
Elizabeth Repplier
Catherine and Alfred Reynolds
Christopher Reynolds
Wendy and Mike Rich
Jeffrey C. Richards
Guy and Harriet Riegel
Diana Rigg
Jonathan L. Rigg
Dorcas Riley
Frank and Gail Rinaldi
Claire L. Riser
Louine Robbins
Lloyd Roberts, MD
Elizabeth Rockefeller
James Rockefeller, Jr and Marilyn Moss Rockefeller
Parker B. Rockefeller
John Rodeman
John and Janet Roe
Martha and Paul Rogers, III
Pamela J. Rogers
Ralph B. Rogers Foundation
Susie Romano
Hugh and Anna Ronalds
Dr. and Mrs. John Root
Pamela and Larry Rorick
Paul Rosen and Lauren Dillard
Patricia Rubalcava
Patricia Boyd Ruffin and Nicholas Ruffin
Carlton and Lorna Russell
Jeannette Sanger
Mary and Glen Sargent
Tom and Sally Savage
Carrie Sawyer
Coleman Scheuller, DPM
Walter Schiff
Deborah Schilder and Fritz Burke
Marc Schnur
John B. Scholz and Margaret E. Barclay
Medomak Valley High School
Susan G. Schorin
Gay Schueler
Sarah and Joseph Scordino, MD
Anita Brosius-Scott and Geoffrey Scott
Frederica See
Sarah Serafini, MD
Michael S. Serota
Kristi Sheridan
Linwood Shields
Kristina Shula
Lauren Shumeyko
Anna Vianna-Siddiqi
Patti Siegenthaler
Silkweeds, Inc
The Estate of Norma Simmons
Frank and Libby Simon
Laura Skoler
Deborah and Jonathan Sloane
Carl W. Small
Frederick Smith
Jackie L. Smith
James and Kaki Smith
Janet and Robert Smith, Jr
Leigh and Ronald K. Smith
Michael Smith
Philip and Hillary Smith
Steven and Eva Smith
Trevor and Mary Smith
Susan and Robert Snead, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Solley
Lynn E. Soucy
Robert Souther
Joseph and Susan Spagnola
Jane Spahn
Spectrum Healthcare Partners
Paul and Tracy Spizzuoco
Lynn Sproul
Jane O. Staman
Lisa Stanley Pearse
Rockport Steel
Judy Stein
Sarah and Robert Stein, MD
Robert Steinmetz and Patricia Ashton
Elizabeth and William Stephenson, MD
Jane and E. Bill Stetson, III
Timothy R. and Donna M. Sturzl
Melissa Sukeforth
Rita and Douglas Sukeforth
Steve and Natalie Sulzer
The Sunshine Lady Foundation Inc
Betsey Swears
Thomas S. Swinton
Mary Ellen Sylvester
Stuart and Janey Symington
Elizabeth Taliaferro
Roger and Bevo Tarika
David P. Taylor
Kevin and Lynn Taylor
Martin and Lynne Taylor
M. David and Adena Testa
Richard and Carrie Thackeray, MD
Mary Elsa and Skip Theobald
Georgie Thomas
Tracy Thompson
Holly Thro, MD
Mira-Su Thurston
Douglass and Carol Timberlake
Vincent S. Tirola
Rufus and Jean Titus
Sonja Tomic, MD
Laurie A. Tommasino
Sandra B. Tonry
Brooke Tripp
John and Ronalee Trogner
J. B. Turner
Maureen J. Tuttle
Jeffrey R. Tyler
Wendell and Dorothy J. Ubelhoer
UMass Chan Medical School
Marie Underwood
Peter Van Alstine
Kathleen H. Van Dyke
Maryanne Vanasse
Iva H. Vangel
Margaret and Martyn Vickers, Jr, MD
Viking, Inc.
Amerine C Villiard
John P. Voge
Kermit and Michael Voncannon
Cindy and James Wade
Brooke Wagner
Richard L. Waldron
Sheldon Walker
Madge H. Walker Charitable Trust
Robert and Ruth Wall
Heather Ward, MD and Matthew O’Malia
Nancy Warren
Debbie and Jack Waterman, MD
James Waters and Elyse Morgan
David and Christine Watson
The Waving Man
Katrina M. Way
Lee Webb
Vikki Webster-Swan
Emily Weigel
Robert P. Weiler
Peter Wellin
Debby Wheelock and Chuck Paine
Ethel and Russell Whitcomb
Marian White
Robert and Julie White, MD
Robert and Karen White
Sarah Whitehouse
Lucy and Frank Whiting
J. Randall Whitney, III
Roger and Wendy Wickenden
Sarah Wickenden and Christopher Lawton
Gabrielle and Joseph Wicklow
Ruth A. Wiggin
Andrea and Shawn Wilcox
Sara and Peter Wilds
Jennifer Wiley, DO and Jeffrey Wiley
Cynthia C. Williams
Pen and Bev Williamson
Ellie and Jeff Willmann
Adeline Winkes, MD and Timothy Kunkel
John Wojchik
Terri Wolf
Priscilla B. Wood
Timothy and Amanda Wood
Arlene and Chandler Woodman
Lorna and Lee Woodward, Jr, Esq
The Edward H. and Josephine E.G. Worthington Family
Brittany Wotton
James and Christine Wright
June T. Wright
Kristi and John Wyllie
Neal Yetman, DO
Kimberly A. York
James R. Young, MD
Sherwood and Barbara Young
Spencer and Janice Youngblood
Kerry Zelanka
William Zierden
Elaine Zimmerman
Natasha and Anthony Zontini

Thank you to our campaign leadership and volunteers:

Mark Fourré, MD, president, Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital
Ann Bresnahan, Campaign Co-Chair
Mark Eggena, MD, Campaign Co-Chair
Joanne Billington
Mark Breton
Jane Conrad
Kendra Emery, DO
David Flanagan
Ann Hooper
Elizabeth Lawrence, MD
Jennifer McKenna, MD
Robert Merrill, MD
Robert Stein, MD
Neal Yetman, DO
Adeline Winkes, MD
Julie White, MD

Thank you to our Employee Drive champions:

Bill MacFee
Tara Boynton
Megan Day
Holly Emerson
Cindy Feyler
Jamie Geretz
Judy Harrington
David Inman
Celeste Kichefski
Amy Krawic
Lisa Manley
Kristin Nelson
Morgan Forster
Patti Siegenthaler
Natasha Zontini

Thank you to our Foundation staff:

Melinda Ferrazza, Philanthropy Officer
Sherry Gagne, Director of Prospect Management and Research
Susan Martins, Gift Processor
Amy McNaughton, Senior Director of Philanthropic Initiatives
Deb Schilder, Director of Grants and Foundation Relations
Eleanor Willmann, Vice President of Development
Amanda Wood, Manager of Operations and Annual Giving

*We work diligently to maintain an accurate database. Please notify the philanthropy department of any inaccuracies by emailing Amanda Wood at or by calling 207-301-6705. We will make corrections as soon as possible.